


“报销临床试验患者标准治疗费用的决定可能会给申办方带来24-35%的成本差异[4]。这种潜在差异显著增强了韩国作为临床试验目的地的吸引力,”Novotech亚洲事业部执行总监Dr Yooni Kim说,“对于考虑在亚洲开展未来临床试验的申办方,韩国将能够凭借另一个令人信服的理由而成为优选国——具有全球竞争力的患者标准治疗成本。”




[1] Reliable Ministry of Government Legislation, ‘Regulation for Criteria for Providing Reimbursed Services in the National Health Insurance’ [Effective on 29 Jun 2017, Enforcement Regulation of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, No. 506, partially amended on 29 Jun 2017] 

[2] Frost & Sullivan, Asia: Preferred Destination for Clinical Trials, 2017

[3] Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials (KoNECT)

[4] Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials (KoNECT), ‘Study on institutional support for strengthening competitiveness of clinical trial’; Kim, Yeul-Hong; Korean Cancer Study Group; 'If only the cost of medical treatment is borne by the health insurance, the average cost of performing the clinical research under the current system is about 70%. If the standard cost of medical treatment and examination are all borne by the health insurance, the average cost is 53%.’

[5] Novotech client experience, confidential